WD Forensic, Inc.

Armored Glass Testing- AZ 2021

WD Forensic, Inc was formed to provide training, research, and assist in the investigation of shooting events including incidents involving the deployment of less lethal devices, such as bean bags, 40mm impact munitions, and TASERs. We have performed expert consulting in over 25 states and internationally.

forensics bullets windshield shooting reconstruction
Measuring bullet deflection through windshields

Rick Wyant, M.S. is a senior forensic scientist specializing in firearm and tool mark identification and less lethal weapons, dedicated to the thorough objective scientific investigation of incidents including forensic 3D scanning/mapping (HDS) and other advanced techniques. Results are founded on experience, research and empirical testing, which are essential to convey scientific concepts to a jury.

ricochet long distance shooting reconstruction
Measuring deflection angles of rifle bullets ricocheted off of water