In 2013 using a Leica Aibotix UAS (Unmanned Aerial System), we assisted in the scene reconstruction and a photogrammetry fly-through of an 800 yard scene, which was presented at AFTE and Hexagon conferences in 2014. Since then, advances in technology, reduction of cost, and more defined FAA rules have made it easier for law enforcement and other public safety agencies to utilize these tools for hyper accurate measurements of large crime scenes and accident reconstruction.

In April 2018, Holmans USA provided a demo for us in NM of the latest UAS available for Leica. Wyant is a FAA Part 107 certified UAS pilot, which allows drone use for commercial operations including aerial photography, 3D crime scene mapping and documentation. With WD Forensic’s two aircraft, we are excited to apply the latest technology to our forensic consulting casework and training. Come see our presentation at the September 2018 SIFIR conference.