
WD Forensic provides consulting, scientific analysis, firearm and tool mark microscopic comparisons, research, empirical testing, reporting and court testimony related to forensic ballistics, less lethal weapons, and shooting incident reconstruction.

Gunshot Origin in Auto Glass

Members of WD Forensic have an extensive scientific background in forensic ballistics and case analysis. They have been court qualified as experts in several areas including firearm and tool identification, conducted electrical weapon-CEW (TASER) analysis,  less lethal weapons,  bullet trajectory analysis, video and sound analysis, crime scene reconstruction, gunshot residue distance determination, and wound analysis.

Microscopic Ballistic Comparisons

They have published scientific papers and instructed internationally. See our articles and publications.

Leica High Definition Lidar 3D Scanning (HDS) of crime scenes
High Speed Videography (HSV)

We apply our field experience, research, and knowledge gained from empirical testing and training courses to accurately interpret and analyze incidents.  Modern technology, such as thermal imaging, high speed videography, doppler radar, drones (UAS), 3D scanning (HDS) and photogrammetry, is employed for event reconstruction for a complete case presentation to a jury.

Testing Setup
less lethal expert testing
Thermal Measurements of Flash Bangs
TASER forensics terminal under microscope
Microscopic Examination of a TASER terminal